Saturday, July 14, 2007

Conditional Reflexes

Fountain Pepsi and Goldfish Crackers. Pavlov was onto something when he discovered and researched the idea of conditional reflexes. I realized recently that whenever I eat Goldfish crackers (I keep a stash in my desk at work) I crave Pepsi. I trace it back to a couple years in high school of after school snacks of Better Cheddars and Pepsi with my sister, Lyndsey, while watching Days of Our Lives. Anyway, this new awareness of my conditioned craving led me to thinking about Ivan Pavlov with his research with dogs (though I agree I have grossly simplified his research and scientific intentions). All this thinking has made me aware of these reflexes randomly throughout the day. There are numerous menial responses all the way up to more serious ones, for instance, how I respond when I'm hurt by someone (or even predicting being hurt) by putting up walls with people. It makes me wonder where else I may respond this way. I want to live a life that is intentional and not conditional. I pray that God will make me aware of these responses and lead me to live an intentional life, each day. Though I do anticipate consuming the occasional fountain Pepsi and Goldfish cracker.


the mathisons said...

Amen Chanda! I appreciate what you had to say... I have been struggling with an intentional life. I want to act instead of react to life. Thank you for sharing what God is teaching you.... I love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chanda, how fun this blog thing is - I just found your blog through Britany's which was through Michelle's. It's so good to read some of your wonderful thoughts - and you take gorgeous pictures, by the way. I'm trying to get past the basic snapshots. Anyway, Matt and I would love to get back in touch a bit (though we are in Idaho now). You can email me at or we have a little blog at . Hope you are having a lovely week!
Melissa Breese

Britany said...

I just had to let you know that I have been thinking about your post ever since I read it. It has challenged me to not just react but to be intentional. Thank you for being open and sharing your thoughts. Love you and miss you bunched. I am glad Ollie and I got to see you in the LB.

Unknown said...

I always knew there was something cheesy about you!