Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a Croc!

Over the past few years American culture has been inundated by a fashion disaster, otherwise referred to as "Crocs". These rubbery where-it-everywhere shoes have made their way from the appropriate settings of the beach and garden and have found themselves sporting through shopping malls, churches, and dare I say, businesses. Since when did beach attire become socially acceptable at work? Maybe I was born in the wrong generation but I continue to question the blurring lines between casual and work attire. This leads to the fundamental question of footwear: "Is it ever appropriate to wear a sock with a shoe intended for water sports?". I mean, isn't the essence of the Croc that it can get wet and yet provide the foot protection needed in beach and gardening situations? So, how then does the white athletic sock fit into the picture I ask. Like wearing a t-shirt and underwear under a bathing suit, it is just not right. I would like to propose a return of society back to its intended use for Crocs.

I would like to apologize to any inappropriate-wearing Croc-lovers who are offended by this blog.

** The exception to this blog is for children under the age of 6 where Crocs in most circumstances are appropriate due to the fact that little itty bitty feet in jelly shoes are just too darn cute.


Britany said...

Love it! Adam's friend belongs a group on Facebook called, "I don't care how comfortable crocs are, they still make you look like a dumbass." I thought you might think that was funny.

Thanks for the post my friend! Hope to see you someday again soon.

Renee said...

I firmly agree. I heard Bill Maher comment on them and he said, "Any shoe that can be hosed off should not be normal footwear." I love that I will look back at this fad and be glad I wasn't a part of it!

the mathisons said...

Funny how a pair of shoes can bring out such emotions in people. Silly little Crocs!