Sunday, July 6, 2008

Friday... all week long

My friend Esther is on a week long vacation in Mexico and I get to babysit her bike, appropriately named "Friday". I can't wait to spin the wheels all over town and fully anticipate that the beach cruiser I have been considering (and putting off buying) for the last two years will officially make it onto my shopping list.

Here are some pics from today's adventures with Heather and Chelle. I am still working on my photographing-while-biking skills (my newest adventure since the state of CA has taken away my cellphone-talking-while-driving opportunities).


the mathisons said...

Fridays are cool! Come on Chanda, get one, you live in a perfect spot for it. You only live once. It will complete your experience. You deserve a "Friday".

Chelle Neilsen said...

such a fun day. hope your week is going well friend. :)